Group Nairi

Greenhouse Heating

Group Nairi is a specialized company that focuses on welding and assembling complete greenhouse heating systems, both domestically and internationally. Our experienced and professional craftsmen ensure that your projects are successfully realized by using high-quality materials and the appropriate equipment.

Before the greenhouse is built, the underground heating pipes must be welded, insulated, and assembled. This is a crucial phase where flawless assembly is essential. Our certified installers are specialized in various systems and insulation techniques, ensuring that everything is executed accurately and professionally.

A greenhouse heating system consists of various systems, each with its own specific application, such as a pipe rail, monorail, crop net, or lifting net. It is of great importance that these installation activities are carried out carefully. For this reason, we use an advanced machine park, which not only makes the work more efficient but also ensures the safety and health of our employees.

In addition to the installation of the greenhouse heating system, the boiler house is the heart of our company. We continuously apply new techniques to comply with environmental legislation and to save energy, such as TE installations, flue gas condensers, counterflow devices, and heat storage tanks. This enables us to provide our customers with an optimal product that is also cost-saving. We also regularly carry out the installation of CO2 and HPE pipelines. In addition, we carry out various construction activities on a smaller scale.